Kerry Ann Martinez, NBCT
"Pursuing National Boards is not mandatory. Teachers choose this path. The National Board process allows teachers to reflect on their practice and their impact on students. Hunter has a large number of National Board certified teachers, in part, due to the generous financial support of The Hunter Foundation."
Kristin Hord, NBCT
AIG Teacher & Testing Coordinator
"The National Board certification process and renewal have been some of the most rewarding and impactful professional experiences of my career. With the help of the foundation, I am able to apply the skills I gained from that experience to help our current and future students at Hunter."
Ms. Christie Canter, MLS
School Library Media Coordinator
“I have been teaching for 14 years and have wanted to apply for years, however due to funding and having 4 children, there was no way I could afford it. The Foundation gave me the opportunity to reach for a goal that I've long wanted.”
Your generous contributions make a significant impact!
This year, the foundation endeavors to fund a full-time Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) teaching position and supporting STEAM Lab for Hunter Elementary ($75k per year). Any additional funds will support teacher development needs that are not funded by the state/county, such as national certification and AIG teaching specialization.
Historically, the Lucille Hunter foundation has enabled two teacher planning days per year for grade-level team collaboration. These would not have been possible without funding for substitute teachers. The foundation has also been able to honor teachers, such as a 2019 interim band teacher who didn’t miss a beat when the former teacher retired mid-year.